Live Auction

5 Pineapple Swordtail Mollies
5 Pineapple Swordtail Mollies
Reserve not met ($2.00)
from Texas

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Description: Swordtail Mollies bring a different type of color to the hobby. With there interesting color, and there unique swordtail found in the Male swordtail. They are a pretty resilient fish and can survive most conditions, but make sure to feed them well. You will receive 5 per order DOAS! Please send me a picture of the unopened bag 2 hours after delivery. And I can give you a refund or send more fish ( if stock is available). Thank you, Micahsellsfish

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Auction by Micahsellsfish

One of my biggest passions is fish keeping, I love all the cool and exciting fish in the hobby. And I hope to pass that on to other people. I always have a new desire to do a breeding project or buy a new exotic fish. So if you love fish or if you don’t consider joining me in this AMAZING HOBBY!

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