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$40 / every 2-3 months

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Flexibility that you control

  • Get notified once you've received an order
  • Manage listings in our mobile-friendly seller dashboard
  • Easily activate and deactivate your listings when you need time off from selling

Tools to succeed

  • Easy-to-understand fees No Fees through March 2023
  • Listing Analytics
  • Seller Protection

Meet some of our sellers

Learn more about seller and listing expectations on our marketplace.


We are a family-owned and operated business based out of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Our genuine commitment to the health and well being of our invertebrate friends is the foundation of our practice, and we look forward to joining you on your shrimp-keeping journey!


One of my biggest passions is fish keeping, I love all the cool and exciting fish in the hobby. And I hope to pass that on to other people. I always have a new desire to do a breeding project or buy a new exotic fish. So if you love fish or if you don’t consider joining me in this AMAZING HOBBY!


I am a 29 year old aquarium hobbyist from Texas with a focus on aquatic plants and freshwater shrimp. I've been in the hobby on and off throughout my life, but dedicated to it for at least 5 years now. I currently sell stem plants that I've been cultivating in emersed set ups.


Nano tank, Walstad enthusiast! GlassGrown.com

How it Works

Create a listing

Set a title, description, and upload high-quality photos. Then, add a few tags to publish your listing on our marketplace.

Get notified

Receive an e-mail once you've received an order so that you can start preparing for shipment or local pickup.

Ship your order

Ship your order through USPS, FedEx, or UPS and upload a tracking number to notify your customer.

Get paid

After your order has been delivered successfully, funds are deposited into your Light Fish account, which can be withdrawn via PayPal at any time.