10 Best Places to Shop for Aquarium Plants Online

Posted by on 05/30/2023

Planted tanks are considered to be some of the most visually stunning freshwater aquariums in the hobby. Shades of green, red, and even bright pink are on full display in some of the hobby's best-looking tanks, but hunting down these rare aquatic plants can be a challenging endeavor.

Assuming you're not purchasing invasive species, buying aquarium plants online can be an attractive option for hobbyists looking to round out their tanks with a stunning new plant addition.

In this post, we'll recommend 10 excellent online stores where you can shop for aquarium plants.

Our Favorites

The following list contains some of our favorite options for purchasing aquarium plants online, but potential shoppers should be aware that this list is geared towards customers in the United States.

Image of Rotala Blood Red
Luqman Merican/Shutterstock.com
Rotala species are some of the most popular stem plants in the hobby

Aqua Lab Aquaria

With over 100 plants up for grabs on their website, California-based Aqua Lab Aquaria allows their customers to pick from aquatic plants grown by nurseries Tropica, UNS, and ADA. Popular aquatic plants such as Hygro can all be picked up on their website, but hobbyists looking for more hard-to-find varieties can utilize their website's pre-ordering capability.

Biota is a leader in captive-bred research, so hobbyists can shop with confidence knowing that their purchase may result in a new captive-bred species.

Aqua Lab Aquaria: https://aqualabaquaria.com/

Glass Grown Aquatics

Kansas-based Glass Grown Aquatics offers much more than just freshwater fish (we featured them on our list of 10 Best Places to Buy Freshwater Aquarium Fish Online, and planted tank enthusiasts will be pleased to know that a wide variety of aquatic plants are up for sale on owner Cass's Shopify store. 

Mosses, hornwort, pearlweed, and Amazon swords, are just a few of the many available plants up for grabs.

Glass Grown Aquatics: https://glassgrown.com/

H2O Plants

While H2O Plants doesn't offer a guarantee when it comes to plants being snail-free, all of their plants for sale come from nursery farms or their algae-free tanks. Hobbyists can pick up Dwarf Baby Tear tissue culture, Cherry Leaf Hygro, the wide-leaved Anubias Barteri, and plenty more on their Shopify site, and can secure free priority shipping on orders over $69.

H2O Plants: https://www.h2oplants.com/

I Wet My Plants

Perhaps the most creative name on our list, I Wet My Plants is an e-commerce store offering a massive amount of aquatic plants from owner Brandon's collection. Rotala 'Blood Red', the Pink Flamingo Cryptocoryne, and the uncommon Rotala H'ra are just a few highlights from this e-commerce site containing over 100 aquatic plants.

I Wet My Plants: https://iwetmyplantsaquatics.com/

Jungle Aqua Shrimp

Don't be fooled by the name, Jungle Aqua Shrimp offers much more than just shrimp (although their triple S grade Blue Bolt Shrimp landed them on our list of 10 Places for Buying Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp Online). 

Shipping out of North Carolina, hobbyists can pick up different species of Bucephalandra, Crypts, and liquid fertilizers to keep their plants in tip-top shape.

Jungle Aqua Shrimp: https://www.jungleaquashrimp.com/

Green Leaf Aquariums

Arguably one of the most known brands in the planted tank scene, Green Leaf Aquariums (often abbreviated as GLA) offers everything you'll need to build a Takashi Amano inspired aquascape.

Hobbyists can pick up plenty of tissue-cultured plants, such as AR Mini (Alternanthera Reineckii Mini), Cryptocoryne Wendtii, Dwarf Hairgrass, Dwarf Baby Tears, and much more directly on their website. Standard shipping is free on orders over $125, just be sure to allow these tissue-cultured plants a few weeks to transition to your tank's water parameters.

Green Leaf Aquariums: https://greenleafaquariums.com/


If you're already shopping for personalized crafts, why not throw a few aquatic plants into your shopping cart? While you won't be able to purchase livestock on Etsy's website, there is no shortage of plant sellers on Etsy.

We recommend looking up the Etsy store owner's profile to see if they have their own Shopify store, where prices tend to be a bit lower and hobbyists might be able to save a few bucks on a big purchase.

Etsy: https://etsy.com

Flip Aquatics

While Flip Aquatics may be known for its wide selection of livestock, this Ohio-based business also offers some of the most in-demand plants in the hobby. Red Root Floaters, Salvinia, and the nutrient-soaking Hornwort are all up for sale on founder Robert Lupton's website.

Best of all, plant orders ship free when they're over $100.

Flip Aquatics: https://flipaquatics.com/

SR Aquaristik

Operating out of a warehouse in Elgin Illinois, SR Aquaristik has over 50 aquatic plants available on their website, and hobbyists will encounter tissue culture cups of AR 'rosanervig', AR 'mini', and the uncommon Anubias 'nangi', all for sale at reasonable prices.

Owner Scott Rhodes offers free shipping on plant orders over $100, but hobbyists should also visit their hardscape section, as they offer over 250 different styles of driftwood. 

TCK Corals: https://sraquaristik.com/

Aquascaping Supply

Newly incorporated Aquascaping Supply offers Ultum Nature System plant tissue cultures. Red Root Floaters, Amazon Frogbit, and Bucephalandra 'Red Mini' are just a few options you'll find on their website, which also includes rare pieces of hardscape, such as their 8-inch tall driftwood Bonsai tree.

Hobbyists that live in the state of Florida may also want to consider booking one of their workshops. For about $100, the folks over at Aquascaping Supply will use everything at their disposal to build your dream aquascape.

Aquascaping Supply: https://aquascapingsupply.com/

Aquatic Plant Store Meme

More Places to Shop for Aquarium Plants

Looking for more options? Luckily, there are tons of other businesses offering aquatic plants for sale online. There are so many that we had to build a gigantic list just to keep track of them all! Hobbyists looking for more online aquarium plant stores should check out our list of over 250+ online stores.

We work hard on keeping the list up to date so that you can find deals local to your area. Let us know in the comments if there's a store we're missing and we'll add it to the list!


If there's one thing we can agree on, it's that buying aquarium plants online is downright convenient. With high-quality photos and mobile-friendly websites, purchasing plants online is as easy as a few clicks.

Now that we've recommended some of our favorite stores, do you plan on picking up a new plant from one of these vendors? Let us know in the comments, and don't forget to check out our marketplace, where you can score deals on aquarium plants directly from other hobbyists.

Image of Miles Harrison

Miles Harrison

With over a decade of aquarium experience, Miles can be found writing about saltwater and freshwater aquariums. When he’s not writing about fish, you can find him going for a run or building websites, such as this one!

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