10 Best Places to Buy Angelfish Online

Posted by on 09/07/2023

Angelfish are some of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish available. Three species comprise the Genus, Pterophyllum, but via decades of breeding techniques, these fish have been bred to produce unique colors and patterns, making them highly desired by hobbyists around the world.

If you're looking to add some angelfish to your tank, we're going to recommend 10 places where you can find the species for sale online.

What to Know Before Purchasing Online

While ordering fish online is certainly convenient, it is your responsibility as a hobbyist to work with the vendor to ensure safe delivery.

Before purchasing, you'll want to determine the weather conditions at the shipping origin location and the delivery address. Always ensure that you'll be available when the shipping carrier drops off your package so that you can quickly transfer your livestock and begin the acclimation process.

Image of an Angelfish
You Touch Pix of EuToch/Shutterstock.com
An Angelfish swims in a planted tank

Our Favorites

Now that we've covered the basics of ordering Angelfish online, here are 10 options to choose from.

Aqua Huna

Koi Angelfish, Black Angelfish, Red Headed Diamond Angelfish, are just a few of many Angelfish color variants up for sale on Aqua Huna's website. Gerry Hu's aquarium business ships order out of Washington state, and hobbyists looking for angelfish varieties should pay a visit to their online shop.

Shop Aqua Huna: https://aquahuna.com/


Specializing in online fish sales since 1987, AzGardens has plenty of angelfish up for grabs on its website, which frequently runs sales. Albino angels, Pinoy Angelfish, Blue Smokey Pinoys, and Chocolate Angelfish are just a few of the many Angelfish available.

Shop AzGardens.com: https://azgardens.com/

Aquatic Clarity

Owner Jeff heads up AquaticClarity, and hobbyists can take a look at their frequently updated stocking list online. Hobbyists can choose between tank-raised, wild-caught, and wild-caught offspring. Orders ship out of Jeff's Wisconsin facility.

Shop Aquatic Clarity: https://aquaticclarity.com/

Bob's Tropical Fish

Los Angeles-based Bob's Tropical Fish offers a variety of Tetras, Shrimp, Bettas, and you guessed it - Angelfish. While at the time of writing, they only have a small Angelfish selection, (Black Lace's and Platinums are currently sold out.) It's worth visiting this website to see if you can snag a deal during their next restock.

Shop Bob's Tropical Fish: https://www.bobstropicalfish.com/

Jason's Plecos and Cichlids

Jason's Plecos and Cichlids have already landed on our list of 10 Best Places for Buying African Cichlids Online, but Plecos and Cichlids aren't the only things this business sells.

Hobbyists can pick up captive-bred Angelfish over on their online shop, but hobbyists may first want to read up on their shipping policy before placing an order.

Shop Jason's Plecos and Cichlids: https://jasonsplecoscichlids.com

Lone Star Rare Exotic Fish Co

Texas-based Lone Star Rare Exotic Fish Co offers a 100% live arrival guarantee, with overnight shipping costs at around $29.99.

Unfortunately, they don't offer a ton of angelfish options, but wild-caught Peruvian Altum Angelfish have been spotted for sale on their e-commerce shop.

Shop Lone Star Rare Exotic Fish Co: https://www.lonestarrareexoticfish.com/

Michael's Fish Room

Shipping out of the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania, Michael's Fish Room may be best known for his popular YouTube channel, where he discusses breeding and caring for many different types of aquatic species.

While guppies may be the most sought-after of Michael's offerings, he has listed Gold Veils, Ghost Veils, and Black Angelfish up for sale on his site.

Shop Michael's Fish Room: https://michaelsfishroom.com/

Monster Aquarium

Gold Head Angels, Bulgarian Seal Point Angels, and Platinum Angels are just a small sample of the many different types of Angelfish available on Monster Aquarium's e-commerce shop. Budget-conscious hobbyists can score deals on Monster Aquarium's Assorted Angel Fish which sell for about $10/fish. Orders ship out of New York.

Shop Monster Aquarium: https://monsteraquariumon9.com/

Nation Wide Aquatics

Shipping exclusively with FedEx, Nation Wide Aquatics keeps a long-running stock list on its website. While it's easy to be distracted by their large variety of plecos, hobbyists can find captive-bred Pterophyllum alum and wild-caught Pterorphllum Scalare angels for sale.

Shop Nation Wide Aquatics: https://nationwideaquaticsusa.com/

Natural Environment Aquatix

Hobbyists looking to place a large order can take advantage of Nation Environment Aquatix's (NEA) free shipping over $249 offer. Orders ship from their Jacksonville Florida facility, but hobbyists should be made aware that they do not offer cash or card refunds on live arrival guarantees, but do credit the refund towards future orders.

Shop Natural Environment Aquatix: https://naturalenvironmentaquatix.com/

More Places to Shop

As you can see, there's no shortage of options to choose from when it comes to purchasing Angelfish online. However, if you're looking to shop from a place a little closer to home, we've built a massive list of over 250 online aquarium stores πŸ‘€ you can search through to find vendors in your area.


Now that we've provided some of our favorite online stores, do you know of one that deserves a spot on our list? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to visit our marketplace where you can buy directly from other hobbyists and small businesses.

Image of Miles Harrison

Miles Harrison

With over a decade of aquarium experience, Miles can be found writing about saltwater and freshwater aquariums. When he’s not writing about fish, you can find him going for a run or building websites, such as this one!

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